The TUBIE ironing mannequin is revolutionizing ironing technology for retirement homes, laundries and hotels.In the world of textile care, the TUBIE ironing mannequin has introduced a groundbreaking innovation that is revolutionizing ironing technology in retirement homes, laundries, hotels and similar facilities.This state-of-the-art ironing mannequin has been developed to ...

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When doing laundry, there are questions upon questions. Can pantyhose go in the washing machine? Is laundry only hygienically clean at 90 degrees? Do I need a stain remover? In the TUBIE Shirt Ironing Blog we explain: Do tights have to be washed by hand ?

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We have all seen the little pictures on the care labels in clothing. These pictograms are regulated uniformly throughout Europe and are protected by the GINETEX organization. But what do they mean? Read more about this in the TUBIE shirt iron ...

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Opinions differ when it comes to doing laundry. Some put the detergent directly into the washing drum, others use the compartment. But which is right? We shirt and blouse ironers have done some research: liquid detergent should not be added directly to the laundry .

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A great feeling when you hop into your cosy, fresh-smelling bed after a long day. On average, we spend about 8 hours a day in bed and lose hair and skin flakes there - a perfect breeding ground for mites. In addition ...

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In the latest TUBIE shirt hanger blog, we show you great tips and tricks for doing laundryHow to keep blouses on hangersYour silk blouses keep slipping off the hanger? If you wrap household rubbers around the ends of the hanger, the garments will no longer slip .

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