Fabric softener is a great thing because it provides a fresh scent and makes our laundry nice and soft. When we wear amount washed with fabric softener, we immediately feel comfortable in our skin. But there are also critical voices about the use of fabric softener. Read more about this in the TUBIE ironing doll blog.
What are the advantages of fabric softeners?
Probably the most important advantage of fabric softeners is the result of fragrant, soft laundry, which is also easier to iron. Especially if you have sensitive skin, fabric softener is a blessing, because the clothes are then less rough and the skin is thus less chafed and irritated.
Mainly fabric softener should be used for cotton clothes. For synthetic fabrics, it is better not to use fabric softener.
What are the disadvantages of fabric softeners?
Fabric softeners contain surfactants or chemicals and are pure poison for the environment. The water is heavily polluted by them and although according to the EU regulation at least 80% of the surfactants should be biodegradable, some of them end up in the environment. With synthetic garments, you should avoid fabric softener, because it can damage or wear out the fabric. Stretch jeans in particular can lose shape or bulge more quickly. The clothing will also become less absorbent and breathable, which has a negative effect on sportswear. In addition, fabric softener can seriously damage your dryer because clothes treated with fabric softener contain silicones. During the drying process, it can get very hot in the machine, and silicones combined with laundry can cause the dryer's sensors to clog. The dryer may then no longer be able to detect when the laundry is ready and end the drying process too early. The laundry could then still be soggy and must be dried again.
Is fabric softener bad for your health?
Highly concentrated fabric softener affects health, because it can dry the skin, irritate mucous membranes and cause allergies.
According to the Ministry of the Environment, you should use fabric softeners as sparingly as possible, if at all. (Source: Federal Environment Agency).
Alternatives for fabric softener
Vinegar essence
Instead of fabric softener, you can simply use vinegar essence. This prevents the accumulation of lime in the laundry. Simply add 20-40 ml to the laundry and wash. Do not worry, the acrid smell disappears in the washing machine.
Citric acid is also an environmentally friendly option and also decalcifies the washing machine. Simply mix 2-5 tablespoons of citric acid with a liter of water, shake the mixture and you have homemade fabric softener. If you still want to have some scent, mix in essential oils. You need about 60 ml per wash cycle.
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